2012 Poets and Poetry Sites

'Life or Theatre ?' Charlotte Salomon

I wanted to read or hear the narrative of someone else – a woman and a poet – who has gone here and been there. Who had lifted the kettle to a gas-stove. Who had set her skirt out over a chair, near to the clothes dryer, to have it without  creases for the morning. Who had made the life meet the work and had set it down.

Eavan Boland , from Object Lessons. publ. Carcanet 1995.

As ever, thanks to my readers who keep coming back to read, to make suggestions, and to send poems. My feeling is that overall 2012 has been a good year for women poets. There have been the usual scant begrudging reviews, there is still a visibility issue in terms of how many women are published, but poets like Alice Oswald, Ros Barber, Carol Ann Duffy, Eavan Boland, and all the women here published have most definitely placed the woman-poet in her room, on the street, and in the bookshop where young women and upcoming poets may find her if they care to look.

I have added a list of blogs, journals, reviews and interesting sites to the end this post. I often link to my favourite blogs and sites directly in the posts. This year, I mention in particular Bone Orchard Poetry, CanCan, and WurminApfel. My perennial favourite websites are Jacket2, Guernica, The Harriet Blog (Poetry Foundation), Lemon Hound  and Poetry Ireland

The easiest way to do this is to link the poets and translators published this year of 2012 as they were published. There is a handy monthly (2008-2012) archive to your right (and up the page a wee bit)

2012 Poets; their poetry

Journals, Blogs and Websites

I had recommended some online poetry journals in my opening paragraph. and I thought to link them here. I am particularly fond of Bone-Orchard Poetry where I have (almost) published two sequences. Michael McAloran has an excellent list of working poets who he publishes on a rolling basis.

Good Online Poetry Journals/Blogs
Irish Poetry Imprints and Websites

Those Irish Publishers, people involved in evolving tech to increase poetry readership, and poets who blog are listed in the sidebar of this blog. if I have neglected anyone, just contact me. I repeat the list here :

The image is  ‘Life or Theatre’ by Charlotte Salomon

8 responses to “2012 Poets and Poetry Sites”

  1. Christine, I really appreciate the work you do online, keeping women and poetry up front. I hope Women Writers, Women Books may get another post from you in 2013. Anora


  2. This is the most useful post I’ve come across in a while. Indispensable for the blogger interested in women’s writing. Thanks so much.
    Alice x


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